The gaming room of Nono-Binks

Video games and me it's over

The Sony Playstation
Don't worry, you won't find behind this sensationalist title the announcement of the sale of my collection. But I must admit that I was soon to leave the world of video games with the agony of the Super Nintendo.

In fact, what should normally be the CD extension of the Super Nintendo, the Playstation, do not really convinced me... I was not interested in the games of this manufacturer which should have sunk in 6 months (It was what I was thinking at this time)...
Too polygonal, an awful mix of pixels, too expensive, so many reasons to stayed faithful to my Super Nintendo which was delivering its last hits.

Gran turismo

The phenomenon increased again when Sébastien and Nicolas acquired a Playstation.
Our afternoon therefore turned around this console but I still didn't like Gran Turismo or V-Rally with their too realistic driving, Tomb Raider and its mix of pixels, the so rigide gameplay of Resident Evil or this awful Final Fantasy 7 with the one we spend most of our time watching cinematics rather than play...

And the multi-player games became very hard since I could not train myself at my home.

At least came the time of the university and its lot of changes. I was therefore came to the conclusion that video games and me it was over. But it was without considered the Nintendo's counter attack !

Final Fantasy 7
Resident Evil

Indeed in the year 1998 a small detail has changed everything, my friends and me went to the cinema to see the famous "Saving Private Ryan" and it was the revelation...
On a giant screen with movie surround sound, the trailer of what would become the best game of all time: "Zelda Ocarina of time". Imagine the feeling of a Super Nintendo player discovering Link in such size riding Epona in full smoothed textured 3D and only on Nintendo 64 !
It was decided I must have it. The week-end after I was at the Carrefour acquiring the precious object... I still remember reading the booklet of Zelda during my return by bus !

The shock was huge when I discovered this Mario in full 3D with its free camera but Link's waking up with his fairy Navi and leaving his house in this beautiful Kokiri's village was even more impressive. Scene filled with a wonderful poetry and music that mark you forever. We felt in the first few minutes of introduction that this game was going to be excellent.
I've ended Zelda in few weeks as I can only played it few hours per week-end (when I came back at home) and as I had to ask the family television again (my screen did not support the signal of a Nintendo 64 and the new consoles did not damaged the TV). But I will never forget the magic that emerges from it and especially the emotion I felt when I have finished it. Since this time Zelda is my favourite license...
The Nintendo 64
Zelda Ocarina of time

Super mario 64
Jet Force Gemini

The Nintendo 64 was the beginning of the fall of Nintendo, too many delays, less games, (especially) no cracks, and Sony who stands out...
But even without considered a console without loading times and with better graphics, the Nintendo 64 has received almost only great games with the golden age of the company Rare. James Bond, Perfect Dark, Banjo and Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini are so many titles that still sound in our minds of gamers.

The game with which I had played the most on my Nintendo 64 is undoubtedly Puzzle Bobble at the university, the only game with which I did a non-stop session from 9h p.m. to 2h a.m.... The coloured balls automatically leave without we even know what we were doing. At this time, although I was relatively sectarian, I still agreed to share for some time my Nintendo 64 against a Playstation (So as Nicolas can discover what a hit was Zelda), but even with that I was not converted to the Playstation.

I have enjoyed Nintendo 64 even if I played less than with my Super Nintendo. It led me to stay faithful to Nintendo for one generation more by waiting the release of the Gamecube. But that is another story...

Perfect Dark
Bust a move


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